Wednesday, July 29, 2015

how to cleanse your kidneys | kidney Tips | Health Magazine | Health Information

how to cleanse your kidneys | kidney Tips | Health Magazine | Health Information

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

Clean your KIDNEYS

how to cleanse your kidneys

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

how to cleanse your kidneys

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

how to cleanse your kidneys

Parsley (Cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

PLEASE SHARE To SAVE this recipe, be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.

how to cleanse your kidneys

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What is DUB for girls? IS DUB?
When a girl's period is irregular, doctors may diagnose her with something called dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). DUB can cause periods that last longer or have more bleeding than normal.
Most of the time, DUB happens because of changes in the body's hormone levels. For teen girls, one of the most common causes of hormonal changes is when the body doesn't release an egg from one of the ovaries. Doctors call this anovulation.
Anovulation is most likely to happen after a girl first starts getting her period because her ovaries aren't fully developed yet. It can last for several years until her periods become regular.
  • What Are the Signs?
Every woman has a heavy period from time to time. How do you know if it's dysfunctional uterine bleeding? Only a doctor can tell for sure, but there are some signs that bleeding might not be normal.
  • How Is DUB Diagnosed?
Hormones aren't the only cause of abnormal bleeding. So a doctor will want to rule out other health problems before deciding on a diagnosis of DUB. Sometimes, what may seem like DUB can be a clue that a girl has another health condition. For example, doctors sometimes find out that a girl with heavy periods has a bleeding disorder like von Willebrand disease.
To diagnose DUB, doctors will ask questions about things like periods and other bleeding problems. Expect your doctor to ask for the date of your last period.
A doctor also might ask questions that don't seem connected to bleeding — like about recent weight changes or if a girl has ever had sex. That's because conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome and some STDs can cause abnormal bleeding. If they're not treated, they may lead to more serious health issues, like infertility.
Girls who have had sex and miss a period need to see the doctor. Missed periods could be a sign of pregnancy as well as a sign of DUB. If you have heavy bleeding or bleeding between periods, it could be DUB, but an STD or a problem related to pregnancy also could be the cause. For example, an ectopic pregnancy (when a pregnancy implants someplace other than the uterus) can cause bleeding, and can be life threatening.
Treatment will depend on the severity of DUB a girl has, which is determined by hemoglobin levels (which doctors use to diagnose anemia)
: Mild cases = a hemoglobin level of 12 or higher. A girl with a mild case of DUB is not considered anemic, and her doctor probably will tell her to keep track of her periods for a couple of months. The doctor might recommend ibuprofen or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to decrease blood loss and ease pain from cramps. The doctor also might suggest taking a multivitamin with iron.
: Moderate cases = a hemoglobin level between 10 and 12. Girls with this hemoglobin level are anemic, so doctors usually recommend hormonal treatment, most often in the form of birth control pills. Doctors usually tell them to take the pills multiple times a day in the beginning and then taper down to kick the menstrual cycle back into gear. A girl also will be given iron pills.
: Severe cases = a hemoglobin level below 10. Someone with a severe case bleeds heavily and may faint, feel dizzy, look pale, and have low blood pressure or a high heart rate. In severe cases, a girl might be hospitalized and given a blood transfusion. Most cases of DUB are not severe. A high percentage of severe cases involve an underlying bleeding disorder.

What is the Defination of normal uterus?


The uterus (womb) is a pear-shaped organ, tucked away in your pelvis. It is 7.5cm long, 5cm wide and 2.5cm deep. Inside, it is hollow with thick, muscular walls. The lower third of the uterus dips down into the vagina and is called the cervix. The upper portion is called the fundus and this is where the fertilised egg grows into a baby. Two fallopian tubes, each connected to an egg-filled ovary, enter your uterus on either side at the top.
What is a normal uterus?
The uterus leans forwards over the top of the bladder. Doctors call this position anteverted or anteflexed. Some women have a tilted uterus or retroverted uterus. This means it leans away from the bladder rather than over it. It's not strictly speaking an abnormality, because it affects the position, rather than the structure, of the uterus.
About one in six women have a tilted uterus. If you're told you have one, it won't affect your chances of getting pregnant. The ability of the sperm to get to your fallopian tubes via your uterus has nothing to do with its position.
What is an abnormal uterus?
A small number of women have a uterus that differs from the norm in structure, rather than position. This is called an abnormality of the uterus, or uterine abnormality. It is a bit of a catch-all phrase, and the numbers reflect this. In the general population, it's thought that somewhere between one woman in 100 and one woman in 20 has a uterine abnormality.
It's also hard to pin down numbers because only some women will have their abnormality identified. In women who seek help for infertility, the rates of uterine abnormalities are estimated to be up to one in 13 women. While in women with a history of late miscarriage, the rates are higher still at up to one in three women.
It depends on the abnormality. But, generally speaking, uterine abnormalities do not affect your ability to become pregnant. You may not even realise you have an abnormality.
Once you're pregnant, it will be seen on an ultrasound scan. Depending on the abnormality, it may make it more difficult for you to carry your baby for the full nine months of pregnancy. Doctors put uterine abnormalities into these categories:
This is extremely rare. It's thought to affect between one woman in 4,000 and one woman in 10,000. It happens when the vagina does not form properly, or is very short. There may be a very small uterus or none at all. This is usually picked up when a girl doesn't start her periods.
When the time comes, it can also make sex very uncomfortable. The condition can be treated with surgery, and if you have agenesis of the uterus, you should be offered counselling, too. The only way for a woman with agenesis to have a baby is by surrogacy.
Uterus didelphysUterus didelphys This is when the uterus has two inner cavities. Each cavity may lead to its own cervix and vagina, so there are two cervixes and two vaginas. It is uncommon, affecting about one in 350 women. It is possible to conceive if you have this type of abnormality, and have a straight forward pregnancy.
Unicornuate uterusUnicornuate uterus
A unicornuate uterus is half the size of a normal uterus and there is only one fallopian tube. Because of its shape, it is described as a uterus with one horn. It is a rare abnormality, affecting about one in 1,000 women in the general population. It develops in the earliest stages of life, when the tissue that forms the uterus does not grow properly. If you have a unicornuate uterus, you probably have two ovaries. Only one will be connected to your uterus, though. As long as there is one, healthy, developed horn, it is perfectly possible to conceive. However, it does put you at greater risk of miscarriage.
Bicornuate uterusBicornuate uterus
Instead of being pear-shaped, this type of uterus is shaped like a heart, with a deep indentation at the top. It is called a uterus with two horns, because of its shape. It's thought that fewer than one in two hundred women in the general population have a bicornuate uterus. It shouldn't affect your fertility, but you have a higher risk of miscarriage if you do conceive.
Septate uterusSeptate uterus
This is where the inside of the uterus is divided by a muscular or fibrous wall, called the septum. About one in 45 women in the general population have a septate uterus. The septum may extend only part way into the uterus (partial septate uterus) or it may reach as far as the cervix (complete septate uterus). Partial septates are more common than complete septates. A septate uterus may make it more difficult for you to conceive and may increase your risk of miscarriage.
Arcuate uterus
This looks more like a normal uterus, except it has a dip, or slight indentation at the top. It is a common abnormality, affecting about one in 25 women in the general population. It.doesn't usually make conceiving difficult.
If you are having fertility problems, your doctor will refer you to a specialist to see if it has anything to do with your uterus or fallopian tubes. There are various investigations that can be carried out:
An 3D ultrasound scan of your uterus may identify an abnormality.
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan may be used. This is considered to be the best way of scanning for abnormalities. MRI scans use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a detailed image of the inside of your body. This type of examination will only be used if you and your doctor are sure you are not already pregnant.
A special X-ray using dye, called a hysterosalpingography, may be carried out. Liquid containing the dye is flowed into your uterus and fallopian tubes via a fine tube (catheter). This will give your doctor a picture of how well your uterus and fallopian tubes are working.
A minor operation called a laparoscopy may be advised. This allows your doctor to have a look at your uterus and fallopian tubes. Your doctor will perform a small cut in your belly button. He will then pass a tube with a camera (endoscope) through the cut to examine you internally.
Not all abnormalities need treatment. Some can be treated, but the treatment itself can carry risks. For example, if you have a septate uterus, one of your options is surgery to have the septum removed. If you have surgery to open your uterus, the lining of your uterus may be damaged. This can reduce your fertility.
It is possible to remove a septum using an instrument called a hysteroscope. A hysteroscope is a thin, telescope-like device that is placed into your uterus via your vagina and cervix. It does far less damage to your uterus than open surgery but it has not been shown to increase the rate of pregnancy in women with infertility.

What is Hot Flushes IS HOT FLUSHES?
A hot flash, sometimes called a hot flush, is a quick feeling of heat and sometimes a red, flushed face and sweating. The exact cause of hot flashes is not known, but may be related to changes in circulation.
Hot flashes happen when the blood vessels near the skin's surface dilate to cool. A woman may also sweat to cool down her body. And some women have a rapid heart rate or chills.
Hot flashes with sweating can also happen at night. These are called night sweats and may make it harder to sleep.
A hot flush is a hot flash plus redness in the face and neck
Hot flashes vary among women going through menopause. Some women have hot flashes for a very short time during menopause. Other women may have hot flashes for life. Generally, hot flashes are less severe as time passes.
You probably can't avoid hot flashes during menopause, but there are things that may bring them on more often or cause them to be more severe. To prevent hot flashes, avoid these triggers:
Spicy foods
Tight clothing
Cigarette smoke
Other things you can do to keep hot flashes at bay include:
Stay cool. Keep your bedroom cool at night. Use fans during the day. Wear light layers of clothes with natural fibers such as cotton.
Try deep, slow abdominal breathing (six to eight breaths per minute). Practice deep breathing for 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes in the evening and at the onset of hot flashes.
Exercise daily. Walking, swimming, dancing, and bicycling are all good choices.
Try chill pillows. Cooler pillows to lay your head on at night might be helpful.
Talk to your doctor about taking hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, for a short time -- less than 5 years. This treatment prevents hot flashes in many women. Plus, it can help other symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness and mood disorders. Keep in mind that when you stop taking HRT, the hot flashes may come back. Short-term HRT carries some risks, including blood clots and gallbladder inflammation. If HRT is not right for you, there are other treatments that may offer relief. It is important to clear any new drugs (including over-the-counter) or supplements with your doctor before taking them.
Nonprescription treatments include:
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin E
Prescription treatments include:
Low-dose depression drugs like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), or venlafaxine (Effexor)
Clonidine, a blood pressure medication
Gabapentin, an antiseizure drug
Brisdelle, a paroxetine formula specifically for hot flashes
Duavee, a conjugated estrogens/bazedoxifene formula designed to treat hot flashes

How to Remove Blackheads And Look Like Beautiful After Treatment

How to remove blackheads 

so many people of all ages have to contend with on a daily basis, that is a problem. Millions of people around the world "blackheads" to be known as descriptively are faced with the skin condition, and to eliminate them is a constant search for simple and effective ways.Failure to keep the face clean can aggravate the condition, although blackheads, are not a sign of poor hygiene. T no matter the condition they so diligent in skin care, is an ongoing process for many people because it is very important to learn how to remove blackheads.

How to remove blackheads

How to remove blackheads

How to remove blackheads

The most common skin problems, nose, chin and cheeks where there is ease of sebum oil is seen.Oily skin, pollution and improper hygiene are the main causes of blackheads. He is filled with sebum and sloughed off skin cells, hair follicles when compared to the normal ambient occur. When it contacts the air, it oxidizes, creating a darker color.How easily is accomplished using several methods for the treatment of blackheads. Many commercially prepared to remove blackheads and acne medication forms and other types of creams that are designed to treat.You can always try some alternatives that are dependent upon strong drugs or creams that means it does not need to learn how to remove blackheads. Natural products are safe and user-friendly that you can use the formulas.

How to remove blackheads

Here's how to treat blackheads in different ways that you can show the steps, commercial drugs, and herbal remedies with extraction with devices.

How to remove blackheads

The instructions provided:

A doctor tretinoin (Retin-A), isotretinoin (which accutane) as well as topical or oral antibiotics can write. Again as directed, they must be used. How blackheads treatment with a device called a come-done extractor is made easy. First you should clean your face and hands. Blackhead and then press gently so that it surrounds the end radios will keep your device. Skin pore pressure will force out the oil residue.

How to remove blackheads


Over the counter benzyl peroxide is widely known for accessibility. Available creams, ointments and medicated pads are present. Contains Benzyl at the drugstore and use them in the privacy of your home, you can buy them over the counter medications. Always use the product as directed. These skin care products use the most will require daily or twice daily.

How to remove blackheads


 They either face washes or lime or lemon are fabricated using the mask is removed, many people blackheads. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime or lemon and pour through a strainer. Wash your face with a mild soap and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Next you apply citrus juice to the blackhead prone areas should use cotton balls. Juice in warm water for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with two. The natural acids in citrus fruits is a natural astringent properties. while toning and tightening pores juice will deeply cleanse the skin.

How to remove blackheads


Honey is a soothing skin treatment and a natural moisturizer. Many people eliminate blackheads and is aimed at improving the texture and look of the skin that is used in a natural skin regimen find that it is very effective. As a face mask can use ¼ cup of honey every night. Wash your face, and then evenly on the surface of your skin, apply honey. Thoroughly wash your face with warm water, then leave it in place for 20 minutes.

How to remove blackheads


Organic honey, a tablespoon of blackheads then make a paste that is applied only to the landowner can be mixed with a teaspoon. Until you clear your skin "blackheads how to remove the" remedy should be used twice each day. The paste is gradually hardened skin problems, will work to break down the sebum oil.

How to remove blackheads


How do you concern with the possible alternatives to help you use, especially when, blackheads should not be expensive or unpleasant to remove. Natural and herbal remedies are very effective for many people. Use and consistency of the treatment that you want results are important steps need to.

How to remove blackheads and many people of all ages have to contend with on a daily basis, that is a problem. Millions of people around the world "blackheads" to be known as descriptively are faced with the skin condition, and to eliminate them is a constant search for simple and effective ways.Failure to keep the face clean can aggravate the condition, although blackheads, are not a sign of poor hygiene. T no matter the condition they so diligent in skin care, is an ongoing process for many people because it is very important to learn how to remove blackheads. The most common skin problems, nose, chin and cheeks where there is ease of sebum oil is seen.Oily skin, pollution and improper hygiene are the main causes of blackheads. He is filled with sebum and sloughed off skin cells, hair follicles when compared to the normal ambient occur. When it contacts the air, it oxidizes, creating a darker color.How easily is accomplished using several methods for the treatment of blackheads. Many commercially prepared to remove blackheads and acne medication forms and other types of creams that are designed to treat.You can always try some alternatives that are dependent upon strong drugs or creams that means it does not need to learn how to remove blackheads. Natural products are safe and user-friendly that you can use the formulas.Here's how to treat blackheads in different ways that you can show the steps, commercial drugs, and herbal remedies with extraction with devices.

The instructions provided:

A doctor tretinoin (Retin-A), isotretinoin (which accutane) as well as topical or oral antibiotics can write. Again as directed, they must be used. How blackheads treatment with a device called a come-done extractor is made easy. First you should clean your face and hands. Blackhead and then press gently so that it surrounds the end radios will keep your device. Skin pore pressure will force out the oil residue. 



Over the counter benzyl peroxide is widely known for accessibility. Available creams, ointments and medicated pads are present. Contains Benzyl at the drugstore and use them in the privacy of your home, you can buy them over the counter medications. Always use the product as directed. These skin care products use the most will require daily or twice daily.  



 They either face washes or lime or lemon are fabricated using the mask is removed, many people blackheads. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime or lemon and pour through a strainer. Wash your face with a mild soap and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Next you apply citrus juice to the blackhead prone areas should use cotton balls. Juice in warm water for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with two. The natural acids in citrus fruits is a natural astringent properties. while toning and tightening pores juice will deeply cleanse the skin.



Honey is a soothing skin treatment and a natural moisturizer. Many people eliminate blackheads and is aimed at improving the texture and look of the skin that is used in a natural skin regimen find that it is very effective. As a face mask can use ¼ cup of honey every night. Wash your face, and then evenly on the surface of your skin, apply honey. Thoroughly wash your face with warm water, then leave it in place for 20 minutes. 



Organic honey, a tablespoon of blackheads then make a paste that is applied only to the landowner can be mixed with a teaspoon. Until you clear your skin "blackheads how to remove the" remedy should be used twice each day. The paste is gradually hardened skin problems, will work to break down the sebum oil.



How do you concern with the possible alternatives to help you use, especially when, blackheads should not be expensive or unpleasant to remove. Natural and herbal remedies are very effective for many people. Use and consistency of the treatment that you want results are important steps need to. 
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How to Remove Blackheads And Look Like Beautiful After Treatment - See more at:
How to Remove Blackheads And Look Like Beautiful After Treatment - See more at:

Information about Marfans Syndrome

Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue cements the body’s cells and organs together.
Connective tissue like every other tissue and cell in the body  is made of proteins. The protein that is defective in Marfans is called fibrillin-1. Marfan syndrome is caused by a defect (or mutation) in the gene that instructs the cells how to make fibrillin-1.
Now, the things is, connective tissue is everywhere. So the effects of Marfans is seen throughout the body. The big problems happen in the heart, blood vessels, bones, joints, and eyes. Unfortunately some of the effects are deadly. All the blood that gets pumped out of your heart is pumped through a gigantic artery called the Aorta. In Marfans Syndrome, that Aorta gets weak and has a tendency to bleed. That kind of bleeding can kill a person.
About 1 in 5,000 children born all over the world will suffer from Marfans. It hits anyone, of any gender in any race. It’s more likely to be inherited from a parent who has a defective fibrillin-1 gene, but in some people, the disease is due to a random mutation and no one else in the family before them ever had it.
Knowing the Signs and Symptoms
If you are born with Marfans, signs and symptoms of the disease don’t necessarily present themselves at birth. Some people have a lot of Marfanoid features at birth or as young children – including that serious aortic issue I mentioned earlier. Others will start having the symptoms as they age.
Very common signs of symptoms include:
  • Long arms, legs and fingers
  • Tall and thin body type
  • Curved spine
  • Chest sinks in or sticks out
  • Flexible joints
  • Flat feet
  • Crowded teeth
  • Stretch marks on the skin that are not related to weight gain or loss
The ones that are less common, or happen only with age are:
Aortic Enlargement (I’m mentioning this the 3rd time because it’s worth remembering), Sudden lung collapse, Eye problems, like nearsightedness, dislocated lens, detached retina, early glaucoma, and early cataracts.
A Marfan diagnosis can often be made after exams of several parts of the body by doctors experienced with connective tissue disorders.
A doctor will need to take a detailed medical and family history, including information about any family member who may have the disorder or who had an early, unexplained, heart-related death.
They need to examine the patient thoroughly, including an eye checkup and a heart checkup. Then there are tests that need to be done, Like:
  • Echocardiogram: This test looks at your heart, its valves, and the aorta (blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body).
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): This test checks your heart rate and heart rhythm. An eye examination, including a “slit lamp” evaluation to see if the lenses in your eyes are out of place. It is important that the doctor fully dilates the pupils.
  • Other tests, such as a computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lower back. These tests can help your doctor see if you have a back problem that is very common in people with Marfan syndrome called dural ectasia (swelling of the sac around the spinal column).
Now, there are genetic tests for Marfans but they don’t always catch every mutation and every variation, so they need to be coupled with a thorough study of patient’s history and physical examination.
Marfans isn’t CURABLE yet, but IS MANAGEABLE. Everyone has their own experience with the disease and they need to keep in touch with their doctor and take basic precautions.
Limiting dangerous physical activity is important since the connective tissues are weak. Cuts and scrapes are nastier and bruises are worse.
Heart and eye issues associated with Marfans may require surgery as the patient ages. These can be planned and the issues dealt with.

Eye Damage Caused By Vitamin Deficiency

Eye Damage Caused By Vitamin Deficiency

The eyes need several vitamins for good vision. A lack of certain vitamins such as A, can cause serious eye damage or even loss.

Vitamin A deficiency:
-can lead to blindness especially in children.
- night blindness.
- other eye infections

Vitamin C deficiency
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Eye infection
- retinal bleeding

Vitamin K
- retinal bleeding.

Natural Treatments For The Nose

Nose Treatments For The Nose.
Clogged nasal passages due to cold viruses or allergies force mouth breathing. The following updates are natural treatments which will help unclog the nose.
Soaking feet In Hot Water.
Soaking the feet in hot water decongests the nose and head in general, contributing to unclogging the nose.
Water Temperature: 36-40 C (97-104 F)
Duration: 10-15 minutes.
Afterward: Rub Feet with a cloth soaked in cold water and put on some wool socks.
Frequency: Up to three times per day.
Submerge both legs at once up to above the ankles. Add hot water when the temperature decreases.

Precautions For Swimmers
- Wear silicon or Wax earplugs if there is a tendancy toward external otitis, or when swimming in public pools.
- Upon getting out of the water, the head should be taken to get rid of the water that could still be in the ears.
- dry the external ear gently, without scrubbing it with the towel. Do not rub inside the ear with dry cloths or cotton. The skin of the external auditory canal is very delicate, and scrubbing it eliminates the natural protective wax.
- Do not use shampoo or soap directly on the external auditorial canal.
- Gently rub the auditory canal with the tip of a cloth that has been soaked in lemon juice or vinegar, as the skin on the ears needs a certain level of acidity.
- Do not remove earwax unless it is visible from the outside.

Balance the Pressure In The Ear

Balance the Pressure In The Ear

When there are sudden changes in The atmospheric pressure (trips by airplane, going up or down mountain passes), the Pressure In The middle ear must become balanced with that on the outside by way of the Eustachian tube.
This canal connects the middle ear to the throat.

Methods to balance pressure In The middle ear.
- open and close your jaw
-swallow often or chew gum.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Secret of Baby sucking finger

A variety of behavioral problems in the baby constantly sucking finger. The inappropriateness of the behavior of the children to their stress and anxiety is expressed in a variety of reactions. Head to and fro continuously rotated, the body pull, thumb sucking, nail cutting, gnash, different parts of his body hurt yourself or to bite himself, to re-recreate the rattle, the wind yeah breath or swallow the lie, This practice caused many of the problems seen in children.The initial phase of the finger sucking is normal for the baby's first year of life is one thing, but then it can not be accepted as normal. Rather, the engagement of non-maturity of the child, indicating that parents cause discomfort. Stow dirty finger in the face of the painful disease, worms, etc., increases the risk of disease. Sucking finger layout of the baby teeth are lost, there is the possibility to grow teeth in the rough and ugly.This practice is derived from a lack of child secured in a way to alleviate his stress. Therefore, more and more children have to be careful about the ministry. The joy of children, expressed an interest in such things should be burned up, so that he can forget it. And that's why he did not have any concern to millions. Parents of children that finger sucking he is given extra attention. Finger sucking child's behavior, rather than the rule, repeatedly praised the good side of the road towards it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Diabetic patients travel alert

So what have diabetes, do not traveled in the land? Many people in our country, particularly at this time of year to go to perform Hajj. Diabetes medication or insulin, many people suffer from confusion about what to do with. Diabetic patients are also the direction of travel during the alert.Be aware before travelingFor quite a while to go out of the house or the plane crossed a long distance to travel at least four weeks after that the plan to meet with the doctor. Take the necessary experiments to recover. Eyes, kidneys, etc., did not have any complications out. Medication or insulin levels in the blood sugar levels and choose. If possible, the doctor said your itinerary. How long will the plane arrive and how long transit.What to see?According to the American Diabetes Association, which is the way in which diabetic patients are:1. Enough insulin, needle, pen devices, oral drugs |II. Blood-sugar measuring instruments, needle, strip, extra battery |3. A doctor's prescription, if any diabetic ID card |4. Dry foods, such as biscuits, Crackers, nuts or dried fruit, such as chocolate candy or dried foods in airtight polythene packets will be visible.According to the Federal Aviation Association insulin or drugs or any other injection bottles will take the packet, the labels and the company's name is written clearly. Do not take a separate packet off. Of course, it will be possible to demand documents with the authorities. Drugs like to take luggage with a hand bag. The cold temperature of the loss or the risk of excessive or too low. Plane temperature is not lost insulin, insulin is not a waste airport arrest devices.When the time run outThere is no changing of the time due to air travel. As a result, the dose is likely to be around any more. The sugar can be reduced. When you're going east-west, as a general rule the country from being compressed when the time comes, is declining. So during your travel to reduce the dose. From the east to the west, up to the day, the dose may be increased. However, the good doctor's advice. For those who do not travel a long or short time, rapid acting insulin works better. Stay-at the same time to watch the way you will understand how much time went past. To check on the plane if needed sugar. If you choose to serve meals and insulin. At least two days before you can tell what kind of plane that you want to eat sugar or fat-free. Transit will certainly eat there too long. Panisunyata drinking enough water to prevent, avoid alcohol or coffee. Long trip down to a few feet, walking or exercise.